domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

I love to interact with English Native Speakers!

Yes, I am an English Teacher. Yes, I have prepared myself and studied for that but teaching English when you´re non native brings the whole teaching English to a differente level.

Yes, I compared myself with others non Native English Teachers, and yes, if we need to say something to each other we would prefer to use our first language, Spanish. Nobody wants a person who speaks your native language bugging you about grammar or phonetics. But when it comes about a native, that alien teacher that comes from another country... yea ... we obey his rules because he knows! Even if he says  " He don´t answer the test"... who cares!.

There´s nothing wrong on that.

When I feel too stupid speaking in English I claimed to my "Sofia Vergara Sex Appeal"defense. Forgot that I am English Teacher for sakes! I´m just human! and  I´m Latina and I know it!

I am always practicing, just do not be so hard on me.

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